Results for 'Sarah Stahlke Wall'

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  1.  30
    The impact of regulatory perspectives and practices on professional innovation in nursing.Sarah Stahlke Wall - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (1):e12212.
    Since at least the 1970s in Canada, there have been calls for health system reforms based on innovative roles and expanded scopes of practice for nurses. Professional regulatory organizations, through legislation, define the standards and parameters of professional nursing practice. Nursing regulators emphasize public protection over the advancement of nursing; regulatory processes and decisions tend to be conservative and risk‐averse. This study explored the impact that regulatory processes have on innovation in nursing roles. Nurses in a range of unique practice (...)
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    Does the emphasis on caring within nursing contribute to nurses' silence about practice issues?Sherry Dahlke & Sarah Stahlke Wall - 2017 - Nursing Philosophy 18 (3):e12150.
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    Organizational Influences on Health Professionals’ Experiences of Moral Distress in PICUs.Sarah Wall, Wendy J. Austin & Daniel Garros - 2016 - HEC Forum 28 (1):53-67.
    This article reports the findings of a qualitative study that explored the organizational influences on moral distress for health professionals working in pediatric intensive care units across Canada. Participants were recruited to the study from PICUs across Canada. The PICU is a high-tech, fast-paced, high-pressure environment where caregivers frequently face conflict and ethical tension in the care of critically ill children. A number of themes including relationships with management, organizational structure and processes, workload and resources, and team dynamics were identified. (...)
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    Ethics and the Socio-political Context of International Adoption: Speaking from the Eye of the Storm.Sarah Wall - 2012 - Ethics and Social Welfare 6 (4):318-332.
    Contemporary discourses surrounding adoption have a normative tone and are critical of the ways in which international adoption is power based and exploitative. These discourses have a significant influence on adoptive parents, structuring their actions and opening the door for scrutiny of individual adopters' motives and ethics. As an internationally adoptive parent, I reflect, in this article, on my experience and use it as a vantage point from which to consider alternative perspectives on the ethical debates in the extant adoption (...)
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    Organizational ethics, change, and stakeholder involvement: A survey of physicians. [REVIEW]Sarah Wall - 2007 - HEC Forum 19 (3):227-243.
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    The EPSRC’s Policy of Responsible Innovation from a Trading Zones Perspective.Joseph Murphy, Sarah Parry & John Walls - 2016 - Minerva 54 (2):151-174.
    Responsible innovation is gathering momentum as an academic and policy debate linking science and society. Advocates of RI in research policy argue that scientific research should be opened up at an early stage so that many actors and issues can steer innovation trajectories. If this is done, they suggest, new technologies will be more responsible in different ways, better aligned with what society wants, and mistakes of the past will be avoided. This paper analyses the dynamics of RI in policy (...)
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    Green Wall Infrastructure in China. 3-North Shelterbelt Program: The afforestation of deserts.Rosetta Sarah Elkin - 2013 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 82:30.
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    Philosophy Imprisoned: The Love of Wisdom in the Age of Mass Incarceration.Sarah Tyson & Joshua M. Hall - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    Editors Sarah Tyson and Joshua M. Hall convene an international group of philosophical thinkers—from both inside and outside prison walls—who draw on a variety of historical figures and critical perspectives to think about prisons in our new historical era.
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    We need to talk about imperatives.Jesse Wall - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (8):487-488.
    The feature article in this edition outlines and then critically examines the Nuffield Council of Bioethics’ Report, ‘Genome Editing and Human Reproduction: Social and Ethical issues’. While Christopher Gyngell, Hilary Bowman-Smart & Julian Savulescu, ‘support the approach taken by the Nuffield Council’,1 their findings are stronger than those in the Report, arguing that - beyond being permissible - many instances of heritable genome editing will be moral imperatives. A collection of engaging responses to this feature article are provided by Rachel (...)
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    Wall painting between greece and Rome - (n.B.) Jones painting, ethics, and aesthetics in Rome. Pp. XVIII + 291, ills, colour pls. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2019. Cased, £75, u$105. Isbn: 978-1-108-42012-9. [REVIEW]Sarah H. Blake - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (2):486-488.
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    Private Interests, Public Necessity: Responding to Sexism in Christian Schools.Sarah M. Stitzlein - 2008 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 43 (1):45-57.
    This synthetic review aims to unite a seemingly disjoint collection of studies over the past 3 decades around their shared examination of sexism in an often overlooked U.S. population, namely girls attending private Christian schools. This undertaking reveals substantial harms that I categorize as those of immediacy and potentiality, which are occurring behind the protective wall separating church and state. Contra the majority of philosophers of education and researchers in this area, these studies lead me to argue that the (...)
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  12.  49
    Some everybodies design and non-dualist filmic experience.Sarah Tremlett - 2010 - Technoetic Arts 8 (2):139-147.
    During a showing of the video Some Everybodies, which observes tourist behaviour at a non-tourist site in Bath, the work will be discussed as evolving through non-dualist processes of film-making (enabled through new technology), whilst also attempting to create a non-dualist filmic experience for the spectator. Shot with a fixed-frame camera at a corner scene (which is the site of a minor accident), the film does not possess a traditional narrative structure or design, and has been described as a moving (...)
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  13. Hard paternalism, fairness and clinical research: why not?Sarah J. L. Edwards & James Wilson - 2010 - Bioethics 26 (2):68 - 75.
    Jansen and Wall suggest a new way of defending hard paternalism in clinical research. They argue that non-therapeutic research exposing people to more than minimal risk should be banned on egalitarian grounds: in preventing poor decision-makers from making bad decisions, we will promote equality of welfare. We argue that their proposal is flawed for four reasons.First, the idea of poor decision-makers is much more problematic than Jansen and Wall allow. Second, pace Jansen and Wall, it may be (...)
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  14. Storytelling and narrative knowing: An examination of the epistemic benefits of well-told stories.Sarah E. Worth - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (3):pp. 42-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Storytelling and Narrative Knowing:An Examination of the Epistemic Benefits of Well-Told StoriesSarah E. Worth (bio)IntroductionPeople love to tell stories. When something scary, or funny, or out of the ordinary happens, we cannot wait to tell others about it. If it was really funny, etc., we tell the story repeatedly, embellishing as we see fit, shortening or lengthening it as the circumstances prescribe. When people are bad storytellers we tend (...)
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  15.  12
    Acquisition of a Joystick-Operated Video Task by Pigs (Sus scrofa).Candace C. Croney & Sarah T. Boysen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:631755.
    The ability of two Panepinto micro pigs and two Yorkshire pigs (Sus scrofa) to acquire a joystick-operated video-game task was investigated. Subjects were trained to manipulate a joystick that controlled movement of a cursor displayed on a computer monitor. The pigs were required to move the cursor to make contact with three-, two-, or one-walled targets randomly allocated for position on the monitor, and a reward was provided if the cursor collided with a target. The video-task acquisition required conceptual understanding (...)
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  16.  8
    What Virgil Should Have Said.Kyle Gervais - 2020 - Arion 28 (2):41-42.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:What Virgil Should Have Said KYLE GERVAIS Mortem infelicem canimus famamque perennem Sidoniae praeclara ducis quae sustulit alte moenia—multum illa et furiis iactata et amore saucia, deseruit cum foedera barbarus hospes, vique deum quassa et fratris, dum conderet ensem fatiferum profugi sub pectore et iret ad umbras, arma virumque ciens magnam contundere Romam. I sing the tragic death and endless glory Of Sidon’s exiled queen, the famous walls She (...)
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    Hurricane Gloria.Lawrence Dugan - 2020 - Arion 28 (2):65-68.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hurricane Gloria LAWRENCE DUGAN A screaming northern gale flew past his wild words And slammed the sails, and pulled a wave toward heaven. —Aeneid, i.102–3 (Sarah Ruden, trans.) i. A phalanx of weather tools at the door, A shovel, an ice-pick, an umbrella, A new cane, leaning against each other, Plastic fabricated to resist storms, Reminds me of a storm I rode out years ago, The Nor’easter of (...)
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  18.  9
    Bridging Gaps: Reconstructing Kant's Theory of Imagination.Sarah L. Gibbons - 1994 - Oxford: Oxford Philosophical Monographs.
    This book departs from much of the scholarship on Kant by demonstrating the centrality of imagination to Kant's philosophy as a whole. In Kant's works, human experience is simultaneously passive and active, thought and sensed, free and unfree: these dualisms are ofen thought of as unfortunate byproducts of his system. Gibbons, however, shows that imagination performs a vital function in 'bridging gaps' between the different elements of cognition and experience. Thus, the role imagination plays in Kant's works expresses his fundamental (...)
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  19.  26
    Shugoshin: a centromeric guardian senses tension.Sarah E. Goulding & William C. Earnshaw - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (6):588-591.
    To ensure accurate chromosome segregation during mitosis, the spindle checkpoint monitors chromosome alignment on the mitotic spindle. Indjeian and colleagues have investigated the precise role of the shugoshin 1 protein (Sgo1p) in this process in budding yeast.1 The Sgo proteins were originally identified as highly conserved proteins that protect cohesion at centromeres during the first meiotic division. Together with other recent findings,2 the study highlighted here has identified Sgo1 as a component that informs the mitotic spindle checkpoint when spindle tension (...)
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  20.  85
    Aristotle's now.Sarah Waterlow - 1984 - Philosophical Quarterly 34 (135):104-128.
  21. Youth - A Scarce Commodity Within an Aging World.Sarah Harper - 2007 - Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 21 (2):479-492.
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  22. A Kantian Approach To Prison Reform.Sarah Williams Holtman - 1997 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 5.
    Despite the extreme violence and severe overcrowding that plague U.S. prisons, prison reform is nearly a non-issue in this country. Immanuel Kant's Metaphysics of Morals may first appear an unlikely place to seek support for a more critical view of prison conditions and popular attitudes toward them. But by appeal to the doctrines of right and virtue, we can discover substantial Kantian grounds to support reform efforts.On Kantian bases I thus develop two principles, the first a principle of justice and (...)
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  23.  38
    Kant's Formula of Humanity and the Pursuit of Subjective Ends.Sarah Holtman - 1995 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress 2:697-703.
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  24.  14
    Studies on Locke: Sources, Contemporaries, and Legacy: In Honour of G.A.J. Rogers.Sarah Hutton & Paul Schuurman (eds.) - 2008 - Springer.
    John Cottingham In the anglophone philosophical world, there has, for some time, been a curious relationship between the history of philosophy and contemporary philosophical - quiry. Many philosophers working today virtually ignore the history of their s- ject, apparently regarding it as an antiquarian pursuit with little relevance to their “cutting-edge” research. Conversely, there are historians of philosophy who seldom if ever concern themselves with the intricate technical debates that ll the journals devoted to modern analytic philosophy. Both sides are (...)
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  25.  37
    Intercategory and intracategory discrimination for one visual continuum: Contributions of identification training and of individual differences.Theodore Parks, Carolyn Wall & Jarvis Bastian - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (2):241.
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    The medical ethics of Dr J Marion Sims: a fresh look at the historical record.L. L. Wall - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (6):346-350.
    Vesicovaginal fistula was a catastrophic complication of childbirth among 19th century American women. The first consistently successful operation for this condition was developed by Dr J Marion Sims, an Alabama surgeon who carried out a series of experimental operations on black slave women between 1845 and 1849. Numerous modern authors have attacked Sims’s medical ethics, arguing that he manipulated the institution of slavery to perform ethically unacceptable human experiments on powerless, unconsenting women. This article reviews these allegations using primary historical (...)
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  27.  4
    Cognitive ecologies of presence(s) in three different dance forms.Sarah Pini - 2023 - Nordic Journal of Dance - Practice, Education and Research 14 (1):6-19.
    Presence is a central yet controversial topic in the study of performing arts and theatrical traditions, where the notion of ‘stage presence’ is generally understood as the performer’s ability to enchant the audience’s attention. How do dancers relate to the idea of presence in performance, and how do they understand, enact, and perform presence in their artistic work and practices? In this paper I offer an investigation into presence’s variations in three different dance practices and choreographic contexts: the case of (...)
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  28.  12
    Context and retrieval effects on implicit cognition for substance use.Marvin D. Krank & A. Wall - 2006 - In Reinout W. Wiers & Alan W. Stacy, Handbook of Implicit Cognition and Addiction. Sage Publications. pp. 281--292.
  29.  14
    Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy Volume 4.David Sobel, Peter Vallentyne & Steven Wall (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    This is the fourth volume of Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy. The series aims to publish some of the best contemporary work in the vibrant field of political philosophy and its closely related subfields, including jurisprudence, normative economics, political theory in political science departments, and just war theory.
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    Camera obscura, de l'idéologie.Sarah Kofman - 1973 - [Paris]: Éditions Galilée.
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  31. Filosofia Terminada, Filosofia Interminável.Sarah Kofman - 2006 - Ethic@ 13 (1):137-159.
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  32.  6
    Socrate(s).Sarah Kofman - 1989 - Paris: Editions Galilée.
    Les Socrate(s) de Platon; le Socrate de Hegel, de Kierkegaard et de Nietzsche.
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  33. The work of art and fantasy.Sarah Kofman - 2010 - In Christopher Want, Philosophers on Art From Kant to the Postmodernists: A Critical Reader. Columbia University Press.
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  34. "OP" Reflections on the Nature of the Aesthetic,".Kevin A. Wall - 1956 - The Thomist 19:293-311.
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  35.  61
    On the Purpose and Content of the Journal.Barbara E. Wall - 2004 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 1 (1):1-5.
  36. Problems with Searle’s Derivation?Edmund Wall - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (3):571-580.
    In his paper, How to Derive ‘Ought’ From ‘Is,’ John R. Searle made a valiant attempt to derive an ought-statement from purely descriptive statements. In a recent issue of Philosophia, Scott Hill has offered criticisms of that proposed derivation. I argue that Hill has not established any errors in Searle's proposed derivation.
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    Spinoza and the Sciences.Ernestine G. E. Van der Wall - 1989 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 27 (3):479-480.
  38.  26
    The Apocryphal and Historical Backgrounds of 'The Appearance of Our Lady to Thomas.Carolyn Wall - 1970 - Mediaeval Studies 32 (1):172-192.
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    Intention and Coercion.Edmund Wall - 1988 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 5 (1):75-85.
    In this study I defend an account of 'dispositional coercion' and coercive offers which hinges primarily on the intentions of both the coercer and the victim. In doing so I argue against various baseline accounts of coercion. ;Baseline accounts center on the victim's estimation of a proposal's effect, the determination of coercive threats and offers primarily hinging on the victim's beliefs and preferences. I believe that it is the intended action of the individual making the proposal that provides the core (...)
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  40.  23
    Technical Education Abstracts: Public Information Service.W. D. Wall - 1961 - British Journal of Educational Studies 10 (1):107-107.
  41.  37
    On Hare's attempt to bridge the Kantian‐consequentialist gap: A response to Forschler's rejoinder.Edmund Wall - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 54 (1):161-163.
    In a paper in this journal (Wall 2016), the author of the present paper critiqued Scott Forschler's attempt (2013) to establish that Jens Timmermann's argument (2005) against R. M. Hare's attempt (1981) to bridge the Kantian-consequentialist gap is unsuccessful. Forschler's thesis is that Hare's utilitarianism is strictly normative, not metaethical. In Hare's ethical rationalism, which is metaethical but contains no intrinsic ends (Forschler 2013), reason determines the proper ends, and preference satisfaction has no value prior to reason's determinations (Forschler (...)
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  42.  10
    Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, vol. 2.David Sobel, Peter Vallentyne & Steven Wall (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This is the second volume of Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy. Since its revival in the 1970s political philosophy has been a vibrant field in philosophy, one that intersects with jurisprudence, normative economics, political theory in political science departments, and just war theory. OSPP aims to publish some of the best contemporary work in political philosophy and these closely related subfields. The papers in this volume address a range of central topics and represent cutting edge work in the field. They (...)
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    Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy Volume 6.David Sobel, Peter Vallentyne & Steven Wall (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    This is the sixth volume of Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy. The series aims to publish some of the best contemporary work in the vibrant field of political philosophy and its closely related subfields, including jurisprudence, normative economics, political theory in political science departments, and just war theory.
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  44.  48
    'That's not quite the way we see it' : the epistemological challenge of visual data.K. Wall, S. Higgins, E. Hall & P. Woolner - unknown
    In research textbooks, and much of the research practice, they describe, qualitative processes and interpretivist epistemologies tend to dominate visual methodology. This article challenges the assumptions behind this dominance. Using exemplification from three existing visual data sets produced through one large education research project, this article considers the affordances and constraints of the research process focusing particularly on analysis. It examines how and when the visual can be incorporated, gives some critical reflections on the role and use of visual methods (...)
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  45.  3
    MacIntyrean Ethics and Lessons About Teleological Ethical Theories.Edmund Wall - forthcoming - Dialogue:1-25.
    Résumé L’approche morale d’Alasdair MacIntyre est classée parmi les formulations très importantes de l’éthique philosophique contemporaine. Pourtant, MacIntyre et ses commentateurs ont négligé les exigences fondamentales des théories éthiques téléologiques (théories éthiques orientées vers une fin ou un but). Dans cet article, nous verrons exactement où MacIntyre a commis une erreur dans la construction de son approche morale téléologique aristotélicienne-thomiste, l’erreur la plus fondamentale étant son incapacité à poursuivre et à développer des fins ultimes. L’approche morale de MacIntyre, qui tente (...)
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  46.  25
    A Desert Named Peace: The Violence of France’s Empire in the Colonial Sahara, 1844–1902.Irwin Wall - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (5):673-675.
  47.  50
    A fact is a fact is a fact.George B. Wall - 1973 - Zygon 8 (2):128-132.
  48.  21
    Against rigid classification.P. D. Wall - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):317-317.
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    Crime and the Internet.David Wall - 2005 - Journal of Information Ethics 14 (2):77-103.
  50.  61
    David Jones.Barbara Wall - 1997 - The Chesterton Review 23 (1/2):209-213.
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